The Criteria I had while making this list was simple, I will only include wrestlers who are currently employed in WWE. So there would be no Rock/Austin/Hogan in the list. I am also not including Feuds like Batista v. Lesnar as I believe it doesn’t help in developing of any new stars. I have also excluded CM Punk from this list, and I have to say I am very sad in leaving him out as I wanted him face new exciting stars.

NOTE - Before Beginning I would like to say I have broken the above mentioned rule as my list includes one Retired Superstar.

Bray Wyatt v. Roman Reigns

Without any doubt these are the two stars who are the future of the company. This feud will happen for sure at some point of time and It should happen. I know people would be saying they are already having a feud and there match is happening in Elimination Chamber, What we are seeing now is a feud between two strong teams and not between two Individuals involved.

This feud should happen when Roman is a Face and works as a singles performer. When this feud happens Bray should be still be the leader of Wyatt family. This would be a solid feud. Imagine a Psycho Wyatt and his family standing up to a monster guy in Roman reigns who would be a fan favorite once he leaves The Shield. This feud doesn’t need Belts to be involved.

One of the best thing I like about Bray Wyatt is that , his character so awesome that he doesnt need a Championship Belt to have a great feud. Also their match should happen at a Big PPV like a Mania or Summerslam. I think many WWE fans would want to see this Match happen in Future.

Bray Wyatt v. Undertaker

This Match must happen. It would be a shame if we don’t get to see this. This need not happen at this Mania as it is too early for Bray. Maybe next Mania or at WM 32 when by the time hopefully Bray Wyatt will be an established superstar. Bray should still be the leader of Wyatt Family while facing Undertaker as it would add extra intrigue to their Feud.

Imagine the mind games that both Taker and Wyatt will be playing during the feud. If it was in my hands to book this match I will book this next year and that should be the taker’s last match. Taker should win and end his career and Bray losing wont hurt him one bit. I don’t want the streak to end as I feel that one record should remain forever.

Streak belongs to taker and it should be like that always. Bray Wyatt and even the other members of Wyatt Family would hugely benefit from this feud. Make this happen WWE. I cant imagine how excited fans will be seeing this feud.

Dean Ambrose v. Seth Rollins

With Roman reigns guaranteed to become a huge star in future, I hope the other two member of Shield also reach the top level. I say this because both Ambrose and Rollins have huge talent and it would be foolish on the part of WWE to not utilize it. The best way to kick start their Journey to the top is by having them Feud with each other immediately after the splitting up of The Shield.

I don’t want to see Ambrose and Rollins teaming with each other once Roman Leaves their group. The group should end the moment Roman leaves them. Maybe have this feud start immediately after Mania is over. Let these two have a long feud. Note I said a LONG feud and not a feud which is over after One PPV.

Give them 3 or 4 months to feud with each other and make it as personal as possible. I know some will say feud will be boring after 2 months. Now this is where WWE will have to act and think smartly. This could be a top class midcard feud if done properly. They dont need to face each other at every PPV, Build it gradually and make it personnel as the months goes by and then at Summerslam have them end their feud. Rollins should be the face and Ambrose should be the heel.

In earlier time WWE used to give a solid midcard feud which would run for 4 to 5 months , In some cases even 1 year. The one’s I can remember are Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho in 2008, Christian v. Jericho, Eddie v. Rey Mysterio and HBK v. HHH which ran for almost one year. I felt WWE missed a great chance of doing feud like this last year with Cody Rhodes and Sandow and 4 years ago with Cody and Ted Di Biasie Jr. I hope they do the right thing this time.

Roman Reigns v. Big E Langston

It is very clear that both Roman Reigns and Big E Langston are rated very highly by WWE. These two guys if booked properly could be the Face of the company. I am sure this feud will happen at some point in future but what I want is both should be face while feuding with each other. They need not turn one of them as a heel for this feud to work.

These two powerhouses once developed as a star could have a great feud. They could be used as the one’s who unify the two midcard Belts (Intercontinental and US championship). WWE clearly wants to unify the midcard belts, so what better way than to unify it by having two of your future stars compete with each other.

Even without the belt this feud will work pretty well. Don’t be surprised if these two headline the Wrestlemania in 2/3 years time. This would be a solid feud and would benefit both of them.

Antonio Cesaro v. John Cena

I just want to see this feud happen for Antonio Cesaro. Now I know Cena is not the perfect guy to make a star out of somebody as he hardly puts over other wrestlers clean but imagine if Cesaro does win against Cena in a convincing fashion. I dont want this feud to be like the one Cena had with the Miz in 2009 because that made Miz look like a Joke.

I would have easily picked CM Punk instead of Cena as that would have been the perfect feud but CM Punk has quit so I wont go there. From Elimination Chamber PPV onward I would book Cesaro strongly. Let him face and beat a Christian or even a Sheamus at Mania and then from there on book him strongly. Maybe after 6 months have him feud with Cena. It could be for the Belt or even without the Belt. But For this feud to work Cena should Act seriously, he must take Cesaro seriously and treat him like a star.

One of the major problem with Cena is during his promo’s he totally makes a joke of his opponent. Whenever he doesn’t do that the feud works e.g Feud with D-Bryan, Feud with CM Punk in 2011 and feud with the Rock. I believe time has come for Cena to put over young guys clean and make a star out of them. Overall I would want to see Cesaro become a top guy in WWE. The guy can wrestle and has good mic skills. One for the future for sure.

Daniel Bryan v. Shawn Michaels

Yes this is the one where I break my rule and include a retired Superstar, But I feel this feud could happen and has a good story line to it. I really feel if this has to happen make it happen at this year’s Mania . I felt in October WWE were really thinking of doing this feud but they withdrew from that plan. Even though I want to see this feud but I wont be disappointed if this didn’t happen.

The reason for that is I think HBK should not return as it would take the charm out of his retirement match that he had against Taker at WM 26. I remember when I saw HBK lose that match I had a slight tear in my eyes as I that was the last of HBK, So I would want that memory to remain forever. Many fans would also want to have that as their last memory of HBK as a performer.

Regarding this feud, I will do it in a different way. At this Mania I would have Daniel Bryan face HHH in a match and HBK should be involved in the storyline, either as a Guest Referee or maybe as an enforcer of the match standing outside the ring.

After Daniel Bryan win’s (Which he should) HBK should shake his hand and pass the torch to him. I want to see one interaction between Bryan and Michaels at the Grandest stage and this year will be the perfect to do that. Even if Bryan doesn’t face HHH but is involved in the Championship match , HBK should come a raise Bryan’s hand after he wins. But If HBK was still wrestling then this feud would have been at the top of my priority list.

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