The long-running TLC show follows the Brown family, which is made up of patriarch Kody and his wives Robyn, Janelle and Meri, as well as his ex Christine, who separated from him in November 2021.

Kody, 53, is legally married to Robyn and “spiritually” married to Meri and Janelle. He originally, legally, wed Meri in 1990 but divorced her in 2014, so he could marry Robyn and adopt her children from a previous relationship.

In recent episodes of Sister Wives, Meri, 51, Janelle, 53, and Christine, 50, who all share children with Kody, have aired their concerns about their relationship with Kody and the family dynamics.

Now, Sister Wives fans have written online that the issues the original wives have been having all appear to have started when Robyn, 43, joined the family, though they themselves haven’t singled her out as the root of the problems.

The coincidental timing was pointed out on Reddit after a scene from more than a decade ago was brought back into the spotlight.

Reddit user PinkDank420 started the thread, posting the following comment alongside a series of screenshots from an old episode of the show.

The Redditor wrote: “I’m doing a rewatch and I forgot Christine mentioned this all the way back in season 3. This proves there has been unhappiness for her in the last 10 or so years.”

The screenshots showed Christine saying: “To me, I don’t think Kody is equal with his time. I think he caters to Robyn, to Robyn’s needs, to Robyn’s kids, to whatever Robyn needs, and I think that he’s spending all of his time building up his and Robyn’s relationship.”

Christine’s words from season 3, which aired on TLC back in 2011, struck a chord with fans who believe that Kody still exhibits favoritism towards Robyn today.

Sister Wives fans wrote on the Reddit thread that many of the wives’ problems seemed to begin when Kody and Robyn got together.

In the past 11 years since the season 3 episode highlighted in the thread, Christine has left Kody, Meri has been involved in a catfishing incident after starting an online relationship with what she thought was a man, and Janelle has aired her own concerns over her relationship with Kody.

User 2keepitreal wrote: “Robin and her children have been the favorite from day one. She was in rotation before they married then he slowly dropped the OG wives. All the wives have known for years where Kody’s heart is. This is exact why Meri cheated….. her needs were not being met.”

“Exactly! Notice how Meri, Christine and Janelle stated issues in their marriages began about 10-12 yrs ago!” Bicheetea added.

RSinSA wrote: “The instant Robyn came into the picture he ditched all of his wives. It is why Meri cheated, why Christine said numerous times how unhappy she was, wanted to leave, had issues with Robyn and why Janelle was so worried what would happen to her once Robyn became the legal wife.”

Original poster PinkDank420 then replied: “Right???! Shows how wrong Kody was when he tried to tell her it hasn’t been bad for that long.”

Autumn_chick29 also posted: “I remember Christine was portrayed as being jealous to Robyn because she was the new wife. But now seeing this it all kinda makes sense. That’s sad that she noticed this change in him that quickly into his new marriage with Robyn.”

Robyn spoke about the idea that Kody favors her and her children in Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives: “Different people think Kody’s not being fair with his time, and he really actually is. They’re just not tracking it because they’re struggling. It’s really easy to sit there and think of the lack if you’re struggling.”

Kody has come under fire from Sister Wives fans on numerous occasions since the new season began on TLC.

Most recently, he was seen blaming his strained relationship with daughter Ysabel on his split with her mother Christine.

After finding out Ysabel had gained a place at community college and would be moving to North Carolina, Kody didn’t seem too happy that Ysabel, 19, was leaving at a time where their bond wasn’t strong.

“I feel broken and Ysabel’s leaving,” Kody said about his daughter’s college news.

“It’s a heartbreak to me that she’s leaving under these circumstances that whatever has happened with me and Christine has left her and [I’m with] with this crap relationship where I’m just trying to reach to her.”

Kody also declined Christine’s offer to come help Ysabel move, saying COVID-19 restrictions were the reason he didn’t want to travel.

Christine said that Kody’s relationship (or lack thereof) with his daughter is due to his own absence for months, which she explained has been “absolutely devastating” for them.

Sister Wives continues Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.