Sales were brisk at the hotel’s two Barbrabilia stalls, where oversize T shirts cost $85, sweat shirts $60, a bottle of Streisand’s signature champagne $100, an eye-catching poster $20.

Security? Fort Knox–a nod to the fear of assassination that kept Streisand from doing shows since 1969. Concert-goers passed through airport-style metal detectors; even ticket areas were guarded.

Biggest preshow buzz: would Frank Sinatra, also playing the Grand, do a duet?

Rushed open for the shows, the $1 billion Grand had bugs: check-in took 30 minutes; phone lines were jammed; bathrooms had only essentials. The Grand lobby is anything but–the standout in the red, white and gold room is a huge video promo display.

Despite reports of a million requests, tickets were available on the 30th. Maybe the $400 to $1,000 prices had something to do with it–for the cheap seats. For better views, scalpers charged $4,000 a pair.