For readers who do not speak Spanish, the opening paragraph of Cara’s Tweet translates to “last night, after praying and considering, thinking about the future of my children, I made one of the most difficult yet sensible decisions in my wrestling career. I have requested my release from WWE.”

Cara went on to explain that while he is very grateful for all of the opportunities WWE gave him while he was with the company, he realizes he is stuck in a place in which he does not feel valued as a talent or an athlete. Sin Cara said he has waited patiently for years for the opportunity to show the world what he can do as a wrestler, but that opportunity has never come and he believes that as long as he is in WWE that opportunity will never come. He concluded his Tweet by thanking WWE and the WWE Universe from the bottom of his heart.

As of this writing Sin Cara’s future remains unknown, and it also remains unknown whether or not WWE has granted Sin Cara’s request for his release.

Where would you like to see Sin Cara go if he is granted his release from WWE? Let us know in the comment section and be sure to follow SK on Twitter and Facebook.

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