Try laying down on your back and having an adult turn your expander with the help of a flashlight if necessary. If you do have to turn the expander yourself, position yourself in front of a mirror with one hand shining light into your mouth while the other hand uses the key.

You might be told to turn the key once in the morning and once at night, or possibly just once a day. Turning your expander more than is recommended can be very dangerous for your mouth because it stretches out your jaw too quickly.

The key has a safety bend in it which prevents you from poking your mouth, making it impossible to push too far into the expander’s hole. Clear your expander’s hole of any food using your toothbrush before putting the key into it.

Whether you have an upper expander or a lower one, the key will always be turned towards the back of your mouth. If you’re having trouble turning the expander, make sure there isn’t any food around it and that the key is properly inserted. Never do more than 1 full turn at a time.

Gently wiggle the key if you’re having trouble pulling it out without reversing the turn. If you accidentally pull the hole back the wrong way, slide the key back into the hole and fix the turn. Look for the new hole once the key is removed to make sure you did the turn correctly.

Avoid caramel and taffy. Corn on the cob can be tricky to eat with an expander as well.

Wipe off the key each time you use it, if needed. Consider using a water flosser to gently blast water around the expander, dislodging any food that might have been stuck.

Follow your orthodontist’s instructions if you’re taking a pain reliever, and never take more than is recommended.