You may notice your testicles getting bigger way before you start growing hair or your voice starts changing. Every person’s body is different!

Your scrotum can also get darker or take on a reddish color, which is totally normal so don’t worry if it starts happening to you.

Unfortunately, you can’t really stop wet dreams because they happen while you’re asleep. But you can sleep with a towel nearby in case you need to clean up. If you spend the night at a friend’s house, bring an extra pair of underwear if you’re worried about having a wet dream. [5] X Research source

Some boys may have a ton of body and facial hair and others may not have hardly any at all.

Usually, your voice will only crack or break for a few months before it stops making a funny noise. Fun fact: puberty also causes part of your neck to stick out when your vocal cords change. It’s called an Adam’s apple!

You can help reduce acne by taking care of your skin. Wash your face at least once a day and use a facial wash designed to fight acne.

Girls often start having growth spurts a few years earlier than boys because they usually hit puberty much earlier.

Some boys can suddenly put on a ton of muscle, while others may only gain a small amount of weight. Try not to compare your body to others and don’t stress about it too much. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you if you don’t gain a lot of muscle for a while.

Even if you’re over 14 and you haven’t started puberty yet, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with you. But your doctor can make sure and it’s better to be on the safe side.