Other short phrases you can say are, “I appreciate it,” or “That’s very kind. ” If the other person knew the deceased and is grieving too, you can acknowledge that by also responding, “This must be hard for you, too. ”

Here is an example of a thank you message: “Thank you for expressing your sympathy during this difficult time for our family. I truly appreciated the beautiful flowers you sent. Your love and support means a lot to me. ” If you’re responding in a letter, choose a word to conclude your note based on your relationship with the recipient. If it’s a close family member or friend, you can write “love” or “with love. ” If it’s someone you don’t know as well, like the deceased’s friend or coworker, you can write “warm regards” or “sincerely. ”

If you receive a generic sympathy card signed only with a name, you typically don’t need to respond. [5] X Research source

If you want to follow up a simple thank you card with a longer letter, include a message in the card mentioning that you will write a more personal note when you can. [7] X Research source

Here is an example of a message you can post in reply: “Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate the kindness during this difficult time. ”

If certain Facebook friends follow up their post with a card or phone call, take the time to respond with your own thank you card.

If this person attended the funeral or sent a handwritten note, give them a phone call or reply with your own note.