The table doesn’t need to be large, but it should be able to fit your lingam, as well as any offerings.

Larger lingams may use the yoni as a draining plate. Use whatever setup is best for your own home and religious needs.

Some practitioners use different ingredients when performing Shiva Abhishekam. Use whichever items you feel most comfortable with!

One chant you can say is, “Om Apavitrah Pavitro Va Sara Vastan Gatopi Va Yah Smaret Pundari Kaksham Sa Bahya Bhyantarah Shuch," which means “May all things unholy become holy, may all lower tendencies depart, just as soon as we transcend may within and without be purified. ”

You can say something like, “Om Gurubhyo Namaha; Om Ganeshaya Namaha; Om Kula Devatabhyo Namaha; Om Ishta Devatabhyo Namaha; Om Mata Pitribhyam Namasha," which means, “I bow to guru, I bow to Ganesha, I bow to the family deity, I bow to my personal deity, I bow to my parents. ”

You can say, “Om Keshavaya Namaha; Om Narayana Namaha; O Madhavaya Namaha. ” These mantras offer respect during the ceremony.

Say, “Om Govindaya Namaha,” which offers respect. You can also spill the water into your right hand if you don’t want to pour it on the ground.

Translated, this means “Adoration to Lord Shiva. ” Consider the size of your draining plate as you perform the ritual, as you’ll be pouring different ingredients over your lingam.

A common chant for this part of the ceremony is, “Om kamadhenu samurai panam sarva samtosa karakam payastubhyam pracacami snanartham pratigrh yatam om sri shiva namah payah snanam samarpayami," which means “We offer milk for your bath from Kamadhenu, the wish-fulfilling cow, which will bring you all kinds of joys in life, O Shiva please accept this milk. ” Don’t wash off the lingam between ingredients—abhishekam is a continuous ritual.

A typical chant for this offering is, “Om divyaih puspaih samud bhutam sarvaguna samanvitam madhuram madhu na madhyam snartham pratigrh-yatam om sri Shiva namah madhu snanam samarpayami," which means “We offer this honey for your bath, which has been extracted from divine flowers. It has great medicinal qualities and is full of sweetness. O Shiva please accept this honey. ”

You can also use coconut water instead of sugarcane juice, if necessary.

Check online or visit a marketplace or temple to find the ingredients and perfume you need for this process. Chandan is another name for sandalwood. Kumkum is a red, powdery paste.

You can purchase bilva leaves online.