You should also visit the emergency room if you have difficulty breathing, sudden numbness or weakness, severe headaches and head injuries, and sudden inability to speak, see, or move. Pay close attention to stinging pain in your chest since it could indicate something serious, such as a heart attack. Try to stay calm since it could also be a symptom of many other things.

Contact your doctor if you also have a rash along with your fever. If you have a severe headache paired with a fever, visit the emergency room since it could potentially indicate a more serious condition. Pay close attention to fevers if you’re unable to keep down liquids or stay hydrated because it signifies something more severe.

Don’t leave a concussion untreated since it could have lasting problems on your brain. If you’re involved in sports, you will have to go through concussion protocol and get cleared by a medical provider before participating again.

Visit an emergency room if you have blood in your vomit, stool, or urine since they can be signs of an infection or more serious illnesses. Pay attention to symptoms after traveling to foreign countries since you may be transmitting an illness. If you already feel full but you haven’t eaten much food, there may be an underlying condition causing it.

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds (68 kg), multiply it by 0. 05 (5%), which will give you 7 1⁄2 pounds (3. 4 kg). Subtract the answer you found from your original weight, which gives you 142 1⁄2 pounds (64. 6 kg). That means if you weigh 142 1⁄2 pounds (64. 6 kg) in 6 months, you’ve lost 5% of your original body weight. If you normally get full after eating very little, talk to your doctor about running additional screenings. Unexplained weight loss can signify many things, so don’t try to worry. However, it could signify something more serious, such as overactive thyroid, diabetes, depression, liver disease, or cancer.

Problems with your menstrual cycle could potentially be symptoms of diseases such as thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, cancer, and mental health problems. However, you may also have irregularities due to stress, so don’t assume the worst.

For example, if you normally have a sore throat for 2 days when you have a cold, then you should see a doctor if you’re experiencing one for a full 1–2 weeks since it may be something more severe. If you have sudden symptoms, such as extreme localized pain or numbness, call emergency services instead.

If you have chronic conditions, your doctor may ask you to come in more often than once per year. Depending on what concerns you have, your doctor may need to run additional tests. It can sometimes be difficult to tell doctors the full truth if you don’t want to pay for treatment or if you don’t know what you have can be a problem. Just know the doctor is there to help you in the best and most cost-effective way so you can stay healthy. [9] X Research source

For example, rather than saying you have “foot pain,” you may instead say, “stinging pain in my heel whenever I walk. ”

Don’t skip follow-up appointments since you may not know if your condition has worsened or improved.

Mention to your doctor if you have any family history with diseases since they may start screening you when you’re younger.

Make sure your doctor knows about any allergies you have so they don’t prescribe something that gives you a negative reaction.