Brain scans show that if you put your feelings into words, brain activity in the “amygdala,” which causes you to feel fear, goes down. You’ll feel more hopeful and safe. When you change the way you talk about your emotions, you use the right side of your brain, which is connected to creative thinking. You’ll believe you can find a solution.

Some scientists call the process of goal-setting “neurorehabilitation,” which just means that you can heal your mind over time. Research about healing your self-image and the way your mind functions provide alternatives to the “broken brain” theory.

Dedicate yourself to any cause. You might be moved by a spiritual goal or you may want to learn all you can about one subject, like science. [5] X Expert Source Michael SternLife Coach Expert Interview. 8 July 2020. See if you prefer prayer, meditation, or both. Scientists have found that spending time on either activity will enhance your ability to focus on what’s meaningful to you.

Studies also suggest that if you create fun experiences for yourself, your brain will hold onto those memories and “predict,” or expect, you’ll have more positive events in the future. Concentrate on optimism, happiness, and gratitude for about 5-10 minutes a day and you’ll start to “rewire” your brain—eventually, you’ll focus on details that make you smile without much effort at all.

Stress also affects your immune system, so if you feel more calm and relaxed, you’ll also avoid everyday illnesses, like the common cold. If you spend time in support groups with other people who’d like to manage stress, you’ll get even better results—studies show you may feel less pain and experience a higher quality of life.

“I woke up full of courage. I’m brave, strong, and can take on anything. ” “I look forward to today’s adventures! There’s so much that I’ll learn. ”[9] X Research source “I have a good heart and great intentions. I’ll make the right choices today. ”[10] X Research source

Maybe you “filter” details and only hold onto bad memories. If you do, focus on bright parts of your day. You can say, “I had a great breakfast and met lots of nice people. ” You might “personalize” issues and take on all the blame. Forgive yourself and recognize what you aren’t responsible for. You can point out, “I can’t control everything. ” If you “catastrophize,” you’ll expect the worst. Instead, believe only the best things will happen. You can tell yourself, “This presentation will be amazing. ”

“I live somewhere safe and nurturing. My needs will be taken care of. ” “The world is so magical and colorful. It wants me to feel energized and inspired. ” “It’s fun and full of possibilities here! There’s always a new adventure in store for me. ”

“I’m committed to making my community a better place. ” “I believe in art and free speech!” “My family means everything to me, and I’ll always protect it. ”

Stay passionate in long-term relationships. Your romance will remain a source of joy for you. Remain excited at work. Your colleagues will love collaborating with you. Celebrate learning new skills. Your knowledge will help you market yourself so you can improve your financial health.

Laughter will also give you inner strength since you’ll see what’s funny in some challenges. You’ll attract people who also want to have fun and keep life stress-free. Humor will help you manage conflicts and improve your relationships.

Cuddle with or talk to people and you’ll activate oxytocin. It’ll help even on a tough day. Long-distance care works, too. Send off a sweet text to make you and the person on the other end smile. Volunteering also releases oxytocin. You’ll feel inspired by the good deeds, and you’ll help take away the burdens someone else struggles with.

“I wish that I could get a helping hand. This would be easier to do if I had some friends. ” “I hope everything works out today. I could really use some luck. ” “I pray for a miracle so I can overcome this. ”

Tell yourself what you want to accomplish. For example, you can say, “I want to lift 50 pounds. " Close your eyes and focus on what it’d feel like to achieve your personal goal. For instance, maybe you’ll imagine how you’ll flex your biceps. " Watch videos of workouts for even more inspiration. You can picture yourself leading them!

You’ll boost the effectiveness of a treatment when you believe in its power. You can say something like, “These foods will restore my body. ” You’ll empower yourself with the placebo effect because you’re the one who activates it. Your brain will change how it experiences pain and may even ignore it.

“I am grateful for my friends, my family, and my home. I feel so safe and secure. ” “I am so glad I have a job that I love. I get to do what I’m passionate about every day. ” “I cherish my pets, my partner, and my apartment. I have everything I need!”