You can buy rudraksha seeds online or you can use fresh seeds from an established tree.

You do not have to break the seeds apart if you don’t want to, but they will germinate much slower.

You can buy peat moss and perlite from your local gardening center. Substitute equal parts soil and gardening sand if you don’t have access to peat moss and perlite.

Always plant multiple seeds in the pot even if you only want 1 tree since you’ll be able to pick the healthiest growths.

Rudraksha seeds can develop rot if they’re overwatered, so don’t allow water to puddle on the surface.

Rudraksha seeds will not germinate in cold temperatures.

Typically, you will have to water the seeds every other day, but it may vary depending on the climate in your area.

It can take up to 1 year for seeds to sprout if the temperatures vary in your area. Some of your seeds may not produce sprouts.

Usually, it will take about 1–2 years for the seedlings to grow large enough to transplant.

Rudraksha trees can grow up to 80 feet (2,400 cm) tall, so make sure there aren’t any utility lines or other branches in the way.

If you’re planting more than 1 rudraksha tree, then space them 10 feet (3. 0 m) apart.

Be careful not to damage the tree’s roots since it could affect how well it grows when you transplant it into the ground.

You may also add an equal part of compost to the mixture to help add more nutrients to the soil.

If you don’t keep the trunk vertical, the tree will grow crooked and won’t have as strong of a root system.

If possible, use distilled or filtered water since it doesn’t contain any chemicals that are normally found in tap water.

Be careful not to overwater your tree since it could develop root rot and die.

If the fertilizer touches the tree trunk, it may leave burn marks or cause the tree to die. Be careful not to over-fertilize since it can affect the chemical makeup of the soil and cause your tree to die.

Never remove more than a third of the tree’s growth since it could cause the tree to die.

You may apply a 2 in (5. 1 cm) layer of mulch around the tree to help prevent weed growth and help the soil retain moisture so you don’t have to water as frequently.

You can either plant the seeds inside the fruit or use them to make rudraksha beads.