You can also go to the online version of PowerPoint at https://office. live. com/start/PowerPoint. aspx?omkt=en-GB.

Within the online version, you are immediately, upon login, presented with options to load a previous presentation or create a new one. With the software, you’ll need to go to “File” and “New”.

Your selection shows up in the PowerPoint presentation, and you can edit this from the “Picture Tools Format” tab in the ribbon.

You will see and be able to interact with the PDF as an object. That means you can scroll through the pages of the PDF while in the PowerPoint presentation. Make sure you do not have the PDF open on your computer before continuing. You can also go to the online version of PowerPoint at https://office. live. com/start/PowerPoint. aspx?omkt=en-GB.

With the online version, you are immediately, upon login, presented with options to load a previous presentation or create a new one. Within the software, you’ll need to go to “File” and “New”.

You can either use the browse feature to look for your PDF or you can type in the file name along with its location. You can choose to use the file as a thumbnail instead of the actual PDF. In this case, you will not see any of the content from the PDF, but there will be a thumbnail that links to it instead. You’ll also need to set an action to this thumbnail since it doesn’t do anything when it’s added into the slide. You’ll find options to create actions by right-clicking the thumbnail, clicking “Presentation Object” and “Open”.

If the quality of the PDF preview is too low, you can double-click the PDF to open it in full.