Flying players is not the only odd bug Call of Duty: Warzone fans have stumbled upon in Caldera. Recently, a floating head bug in Call of Duty: Warzone saw a head racking up kills. Similarly, texture bugs have made the game look like it released in the N64 era. Even with all the wackiness that has been seen in recent weeks, though, it is hard not to laugh at a downed player suddenly moving as if they were a superhero.

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The bug was shared by Reddit user and Call of Duty: Warzone player arconline. While it begins with the gamer missing plenty of shots they take at an enemy, something that commenters were quick to crack jokes about, they do eventually start to hit their target. After a few shots, the player goes down, and they enter the crawling animation just like any other downed enemy. Normally, players would expect to see arconline finish off their foe, but that is not what happens, as the clip goes on to showcase a new redeploy balloon bug.

As the enemy is downed, they grab one of Call of Duty: Warzone’s redeploy balloons, with the game seemingly unsure of how to react to these actions happening at the same time. Due to this confusion, the player is thrust off-screen, flying forward like Superman. It is unclear what happened to the enemy once they landed, though given how far they seemingly went, their teammates likely would not have been able to revive them if they did survive once they hit the ground. While this bug is technically exploitable, as players can grab onto a balloon when they know they are about to die, it is likely not worth the risk.

Funnily enough, this is not the only time that players have used redeploy balloons to become Superman in Call of Duty: Warzone. If players leap off the balloon near the volcano peak at the right time, they can glide toward the building on top and gun down some enemies without taking any damage. With their arms raised, players can look like the DC hero when using the redeploy balloons regardless of whether they are standing up or crawling across the ground.

It will be interesting to see if Raven Software bothers to address this bug, as it is essentially harmless. With issues like the Arsenal wall glitch currently plaguing the game, there are far greater issues for the developer to address, so something as uncommon as this bug could likely take a backseat for the time being.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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