“Going so long between dates makes me feel like we aren’t a real couple. Could we schedule weekly date nights?” “It makes me sad that we don’t text everyday. Would you be open to increasing our communication?” “Sometimes I feel like we’re still just friends. What does a relationship look like to you?”

“I’m having so much fun with you, but we haven’t really talked about labels. I was wondering how you feel about that?” “I was telling my friends about how amazing you are, and I realized I didn’t know what to label you. Would you be comfortable with me calling you my boyfriend?”

“I feel like I’m always there for you when you have a bad day, but I’m not getting the comfort I need from you. Can we talk about this?” “I really need daily check-ins for me to feel good in a relationship. I’ve noticed that you sometimes go a few days without replying to me, and I was wondering if we could change this. ”

“I’ve realized that you only want to go out when it’s your idea. I’d really like for us to start doing things I like to do. How do you feel about this?” “It seems like all of our dates revolve around your schedule. I’d really appreciate it if we could start making plans that are convenient for both of us. Would this be okay with you?”

“I’d really love to have a group hangout so I can meet your friends. What do you think?” “I’ve been thinking of having a Halloween party so we can get our friend groups together. Thoughts?” “I feel like we’re at the point in our relationship when we should meet each other’s families. What do you think?”

“I’ve noticed you’ve been late to our dates recently. Is everything going okay with you? I’m here if you need to talk. ” “It really hurt when you stood me up on Friday. What happened?”

“I’ve been planning all of our dates lately, and it’s been a bit overwhelming. I’d really like to have you plan some of our dates, as well. ” “Lately, we only talk if I initiate a call or text. Would you be open to taking the lead more often?” “I feel like I’m there for you, but you’re not there for me. I’d really appreciate it if you could listen to my problems sometimes. ”

“I don’t expect you to buy me a present for every month that we’ve been dating. But it’d make me so happy if you sent me a text saying, ‘Happy 6 months!’” “It really bummed me out that you didn’t do anything special for my birthday. I was hoping for at least a card or maybe a small gift. ”

“I really love our physical relationship, but I was hoping we could get closer emotionally. How do you feel about that?” “We have such amazing sex. Would you be open to taking our relationship to the next level?”

Your partner is no longer interested in getting to know you. You’re afraid to be your full self around them. You feel like you have to hide your achievements. Your partner’s actions differ from what they say.

“Hey, I was hoping we can talk about something that’s been bothering me. ” “I’m having so much fun with you, but there’s something I think could be better. ”

“You’re so important to me, but lately I don’t feel like a priority to you. Would you be open to working on our relationship?” “I think we really have something between us, but sometimes I feel neglected. Are you open to making me more of a priority?”

Hearing and validating your partner’s perspective is important for good communication and a healthy relationship. Until you know why your partner isn’t prioritizing you, try not to take their behavior personally. It’s possible it has nothing to do with you.

“I need you to text me more often so I feel like we have a good connection. ” “I want you to listen to my problems as often as I listen to yours. ” “I really want you to plan dates sometimes. ” “I want us to meet each other’s friends. ” “I would really appreciate it if you got me a card for special occasions. ”

“I’m not okay with booty calls. I want to go on a real date before we get physical. ” “I’m not going to cancel plans to see you. I expect you to plan dates with me in advance. ” “I’m not comfortable with listening to your problems if you’re not going to listen to mine. ” “I’m happy to split the bill on dates or take turns paying. However, I’m not okay with paying for everything myself. ”

You might schedule your dates a month in advance so you can fit them around both of your own responsibilities.

Make plans that don’t include your partner, and stick to them. Go out with friends, hang out with your pet, or take an online course. Your partner isn’t owed all of your time.

Try engaging in a hobby or taking a class. You might work toward earning a degree or getting a new job. Spend some time on self care, like doing an at-home spa day.

“Where would you go on a dream vacation?” “Do you think there is life on other planets?” “What does your favorite song mean to you?” “Would you prefer a long summer or a long winter?” “What’s your dream job?” “What exotic animal is most interesting to you?”

Rock climbing. Taking a cooking class. Going for a walk on the beach. Eating at a new restaurant. Singing karaoke. Doing an escape room. Solving a murder mystery.

“I really appreciate the good morning texts you’ve been sending me. ” “You planned such a lovely date night! Thank you so much. ” “I really appreciate you listening to me tonight. ”