When you have a soul tie with someone, all of your emotions feel stronger than they ever have before—this includes positive and negative emotions. Soul ties can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on the character of the person and your relationship with them. Many Christians believe that toxic or “ungodly” soul ties form when you have a relationship with someone that is sinful or violates God’s will.

At the extreme end, a one-sided soul tie could lead to obsessive behavior, like stalking. Be careful if someone seems to have a one-sided soul tie with you. If you have a one-sided soul tie, it makes it relatively easy for the other person to take advantage of you and emotionally manipulate you. [3] X Research source

Over time, you might feel that you’re gradually losing yourself to the relationship. Who you are becoming is less about your own interests and more about fulfilling the needs of the person you’re tied to.

You might also ask yourself what they would think about various things you do, or try to imagine what they would do if they were in the same circumstances as you.

You might still compare everyone in your life to that person or constantly ask yourself what they would think about anything you say or do. Even if the two of you parted ways on good terms, if you’re unable to let them go, you’re going to have a hard time finding pleasure and happiness with someone else.

This can require a lot of self-reflection. Sometimes it can be painful to admit how the soul tie is affecting you and your life—but it’ll be worth it once you’re free of the soul tie for good.

This includes pictures you have of them or the two of you. Don’t just destroy any physical copies, but delete the digital images as well. Block them on social media so you can’t see or interact with them. You might want to take a break from social media for a while if you feel like you’d be too tempted to unblock them and take a peek. Make sure you also block their phone number so you won’t be tempted to reach out to them.

Repeat the visualization whenever you think about the other person or feel a pull towards them. Eventually, you’ll be able to quickly and easily put them out of your mind.

If you’re not allowed to burn candles where you live or you just don’t like the idea of an open flame, just use scissors instead. Choose any two objects to represent yourself and the other person and tie them together with a piece of string. Say a few words of your choosing, then cut the string.

Incorporate a daily prayer into your routine to help you build strength and confidence. Start with something like, “Dear God, give me the strength to overcome this harmful soul tie and heal from the pain. "

Therapists can also give you tasks that help build your confidence and self-esteem after an experience with an unhealthy soul tie. Because a soul tie is energy, professionals known as “energy workers” can also help you break the soul tie.

As long as you don’t forgive the other person or yourself, there’s still a part of the soul tie clinging to you that won’t let go. Forgiveness will release you from the other person forever.