Read more in this article about depression in men, including symptoms, triggers, and coping.
Differences in Male Depression
Many studies have been done on the differences in depression symptoms and diagnosis in men and women. However, there is currently no single agreed-upon hypothesis to explain these differences.
Different ideas have been put forth, including ones saying male and female depression are separate syndromes, as well as men just experiencing different symptoms of the same disease.
Stigmas About Mental Health
Research has shown that, generally, women receive a diagnosis of depression twice as often as men. Studies have been performed to look for reasons why this occurs.
There has been discussion and research about men having different depressive symptoms. One possible reason for this is because “traditional” symptoms of depression like crying or feeling sad may be viewed as not masculine by society.
Some studies have suggested men may experience more “externalizing symptoms” like irritability, bouts of anger, substance use, self-destructive behavior, or increasing their work. These ideas stem from the thought that men may struggle going against the traditional gender norms, and present their depression differently.
Symptoms of Depression in Men
Every person experiencing depression has different symptoms. There are common ones that many people experience and less common ones that someone may not have. It also depends on the individual man how many symptoms they have and how severe they are.
Many men may see their doctor or healthcare provider for physical symptoms that are actually due to mental health issues. Some physical symptoms men may experience include:
Racing heart Tightening chest Headaches Other physical aches or pains Digestive issues Problems with sexual performance or desire Feeling tired, being unable to sleep, or sleeping too much Increase or loss of appetite
Emotional and behavioral symptoms are part of depression as well, and they will differ from person to person. Some studies have shown significantly higher numbers of men with depression experiencing more irritability, anger, and decreased impulse control.
Common depression symptoms in men may include:
Irritability Anger or aggressionFeeling anxious, tense, or restless Loss of interest in activitiesSadness, hopelessnessDifficulty concentrating or with memory Suicidal thoughtsBeing unable to meet responsibilities of work, family, and other activitiesDoing high-risk activities, such as drinking heavily or engaging in unprotected sexUsing alcohol or drugs Withdrawing and isolating from friends and family
Male Depression Triggers
Everybody is different, and everybody who experiences depression has different triggers. Research currently shows that it is most likely caused by numerous risk factors, including genetics, environmental stressors, and illness.
For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.
Postpartum depression, which is often described as a major depressive episode that happens soon after the birth of a child, occurs in about 8% to 10% of fathers. It generally develops within three to six months of the child’s birth, but sometimes builds over a year.
Risk factors for developing postpartum depression in men include prior history of depression, poverty, maternal depression, marital issues, and unintended pregnancy. It could also be related to sleep deprivation and circadian rhythm disruption, which have been seen as triggers in women.
Financial stressors can be sudden or ongoing, and as a result, they can contribute to or exacerbate depression. Economic conditions have been associated with mental illness, with recessions increasing the risk of depression due to unemployment, job stress, staff reductions, decreased wages, and a decrease in the availability of mental health services.
A recent study cited that populations within the United States who have lower assets have a greater burden of mental illness during the COVID-10 pandemic.
Medical Reasons
Depression can not only be triggered by illness, but it can also make conditions worse. Examples of conditions that may co-occur with depression include diabetes, heart disease, cancer, low testosterone, and Parkinson’s disease.
Depression is not a normal part of aging, but it does often affect older adults. However, it is often not recognized or treated in this population. This can lead to a decline in health and poor functioning.
Alzheimer’s diseaseAutoimmune diseasesCancerHeart diseaseDiabetes Epilepsy Multiple sclerosisHIV/AIDSHypothyroidism Parkinson’s diseaseStrokes
Older adults with depression may need more assistance with self-care and day-to-day activities, and have a harder time recovering from physical illnesses.
In severe cases of depression, memory and thinking can be affected, causing an illness called pseudodementia.
Ways Men Can Cope
Many times, friends or family members may notice that someone is exhibiting signs of depression before the individual notices themselves.
It is important for loved ones to support that individual through the evaluation and diagnosis process. Collaborative care from healthcare providers, combined with social support, can help men cope when experiencing depression.
Treatment for depression typically involves psychotherapy, or talk therapy. Therapy can help teach new ways of thinking, behaving, and interacting, as well as provide coping strategies and change habits that may have worsened mood.
Seeing and interacting with trusted peopleExercising or just increasing the level of physical activityBreaking down tasks into smaller pieces that are more manageableWaiting until depression improves to make big decisionsMaintaining a routine, like eating and sleeping at predictable times Avoiding substances, like alcohol and drugs
Certain therapy methods are proven to help depression, specifically cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), and problem-solving therapy. Therapy is often tried first or in conjunction with medication, and it is all dependent on the individual.
Medications used to treat depression are called antidepressants. Generally, symptoms related to sleep, appetite, and concentration get better before someone’s mood.
However, antidepressants can take up to several weeks to become effective. It is important to stay on the medicine for this long before making any decisions.
If you are feeling better or not noticing any improvement, consult a healthcare provider prior to stopping the medicine.
Side effects can happen with any medication, and ones that occur with antidepressants include:
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists
HeadachesNausea and gastrointestinal upset Sleep difficulty RestlessnessLoss of libido or sexual problems
Many of the side effects go away with time, but if there are any concerns, speak with the doctor or healthcare provider. They will be able to help make the best plan moving forward.
For sexual side effects, which are particularly associated with SSRIs, your provider may prescribe an alternative antidepressant or lower the dosage.
Talking to Your Doctor
It can be hard to start a conversation about mental health with your doctor or healthcare provider. If you are unsure where to start, mention any concerns to your primary care provider.
Other tips for speaking with a healthcare provider about mental health include:
Prepare before the visit, listing any medications you take, questions you have, and family history. Consider bringing a friend or relative for support. Be honest about any symptoms you have been having. Ask questions.
A Word From Verywell
Depression can happen to anybody. While men may show different symptoms, you can still experience depression, which is a serious condition that can negatively impact your life.
If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms that seem like depression or have concerns, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider or mental health professional.
Asking for help can be difficult, but it will be the best step to move forward in getting better.