How It Spreads

In most cases, it is a sexually transmitted disease that is passed on from an infected person during anal, oral, or vaginal sex. The incubation period is highly variable but is thought to be between one week and one month. Very rarely non-specific urethritis can be caused by excessive friction during masturbation or sexual intercourse or an allergic reaction to soap or detergents or even excessive alcohol intake.

Time Between Infection and Symptoms

Symptoms can happen at the time of infection or many months later. As symptoms can be very mild symptoms may be ignored. Often, men have no symptoms at all. As such a urethritis diagnosis can occur many years into a relationship.

Signs and Symptoms

Here are some signs and symptoms of non-specific urethritis:

Pain or a burning sensation when you pass urine. A white or cloudy discharge from the tip of the penis, especially noticeable first thing in the morning. Frequently feeling you need to pass urine.


If you have symptoms, have been in sexual contact with someone who has been diagnosed with non-specific urethritis or feel you need a general sexual health check-up, then the tests are simple. A swab is taken from the tip of the penis and/or a urine test will look for evidence of infection. None of the tests are painful and the results are often available immediately. Please remember that non-specific urethritis is a medical problem that needs medical attention. If you start experiencing, symptoms like discharge or burning, antibiotics can help.


Treatment is with antibiotics. A seven-day course or single-dose type antibiotic can be prescribed. It is important to take the full course of medication. Tell your healthcare provider if you are allergic to any antibiotics. Symptoms may persist for a few days after taking the single-dose antibiotic.

Preventing Transmission

You should not have penetrative sex (where the penis enters the vagina, mouth, or anus) at all. Get a follow-up check to make sure you are clear of infection before you have penetrative sex. You should accompany your sexual partner for a medical consultation.


It is advisable if you are sexually active to have regular sexual health check-ups. Using a condom for vaginal, anal, or oral sex is an important way to avoid passing on sexually transmitted diseases.


If you do not treat NSU it can cause reduced fertility. Untreated, Reactive arthritis may occur the features of which are inflammation of the joints, eyes, urethra, sometimes with sores on the penis or soles of the feet. Inflammation of the testicles may also occur. It can also increase the chances of passing on HIV infection as breaks in the mucous membrane (the barriers) of the urethra increase the HIV cells in that area.

Can Infection With NSU Recur?

Yes, non-specific urethritis can recur. You build up no immunity to this sexually transmitted disease.