The earthquake occurred just before 11 p.m. local time on Sunday night and was centered around 100 miles northeast of Anchorage, according to the Alaska Earthquake Center, with a depth of about 27 miles.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) initially reported the earthquake’s magnitude as 6.0, but later adjusted it to 6.1. A number of smaller quakes have struck in the area since the initial earthquake, according to the USGS.

The Anchorage Daily News reported the quake was felt particularly strongly in the Mat-Su and Anchorage areas but said there were no reports of major damage.

Facebook users from across central Alaska described the experience in comments on the newspaper’s post about the quake.

Mark Westman in Talkeetna wrote that there was a “long rumble followed by a very strong jolt that flexed the house and sent some stuff on shelves to the floor.”

Westman added: “Then more rumbling. It was a long one. No damage, but the big jolt in the middle definitely rattled the nerves, that one packed a punch.”

Summer Woods-Tunney wrote: “North Anchorage, could feel it coming then violent shake followed by feeling like I was on a boat rolling! Weird one!”

Another Facebook user who said they were staying in Anchorage reported the quake “shook the hotel up pretty good” and “went on for quite a while.”

UPDATED 5/30/21 06.03 a.m. ET: This article was updated to include new information.