Naturally, there are caveats to bear in mind when it comes to registering for the field tests, as not every person who attempts to enroll will be able to take part. For instance, Pokemon GO fans will need to have a device supported by Android or iOS, and after signing up, Niantic Labs will extend an invite to players it deems to be suitable for the trials.

Furthermore, should fans be chosen to try out Pokemon GO, it’s important to mention that since the game is currently being tested, all of the bugs haven’t been swept out of the system yet. As Niantic puts it, “The app is still in active development, so it has a limited set of features at the moment and there may be things that don’t work properly.”

Taking all of this into consideration, though, with Niantic Labs having pressed on with the beta for Pokemon GO after the initial field tests began in Japan, it’s a good sign that progress is being made with trials moving abroad. Of course, with the AR title attempting the ambitious feat of bringing fantastical details like catching magical creatures, evolving them, and using them to challenge gyms into every day life, a lot of rigorous quality assurance must be completed.

As is the case with a lot of undertakings that have never done before there will be concerns and problems to address, and it’s only logical to consider such notions. However, rather than totally err on the side of what could go wrong, fans should also contemplate the positive possibilities that could emerge from Pokemon GO if it becomes a success. Not only would it put the ball in motion of more, and potentially better releases being developed in the augmented reality forum, but also it could serve as a gateway into the wonderful world of Pokemon for those who never bothered to pick up a title because they’re more inclined to play mobile games.

At any rate, should fans be on the fence as to whether or not they should sign up and try to take part in the field tests for Pokemon GO, perhaps it’s best to check out some of its gameplay footage and then make the decision from there. It’s worth noting, though, that merely watching a clip of how a title purportedly plays is a far cry from the real deal, so trying it out firsthand might be the ideal way to see if Pokemon GO has the goods.

Pokemon GO is set for a release sometime in 2016 for Android and iOS devices.

Source: Niantic Labs