A man, calling himself C.J. Toledano online, shared a snap of the black-and-white sign to Twitter.

He jokingly captioned the image: “They got release dates for stop signs out here in Akron, Ohio.”

Toledano followed up with another post, saying: “They could’ve just made a stop sign instead of this sign but they were like “no let’s build excitement before the big drop.””

The sign in question says “stop sign to be placed June 14,” prompting numerous people to question why a stop sign wasn’t installed in the first place.

The post has been liked thousands of times since being uploaded on Sunday, as Mark Willms echoed Toledano, saying: “Why waste money making this sign and just put a stop sign there?”

Tim Ryan blasted the move, saying: “Taking the time to produce and put up a custom sign that serves as a placeholder for a future generic sign. Wish I could have been part of that meeting.”

“Swear they tear them up on purpose just to have something to work on,” JaPointGod tweeted.

Kim Jong-Trill asked: “Why not just put a stop sign there in the first place instead of a sign warning u about a future stop sign.”

Teppo Tuohari joked: “I hope they remember to put warning sign 200 yards before the intersection about that stop sign.”

While Smailskid wrote: “Huh? If they could put that sign up, why not a stop sign?”

But some people seemingly explained the approach, as Attic Haunt explained: “To give drivers who have driven this road for years notice that they will have to stop. It is actually a kindness. Otherwise, the cops just sit there and take in the $$$ from people who run the new stop sign.”

And Josh Gannon agreed, writing: “Because it’s likely the route many people have driven day after day for years, and giving them a notice that the traffic pattern will change reduces the chance of an accident.”

A driver in Ohio who runs a stop sign will likely have to pay a fine, while a stop sign conviction could add points to a driver’s license.

A first offense is a “minor misdemeanor,” which carries up to a $150 fine, a second offense carries up to $250 in fines and, or, 30 days in jail.

A third offense carries up to a $500 fine, and, or, 60 days in jail.

Website Driving Laws explained: “A stop sign or red light conviction will add two demerit points to a motorist’s driving record. A driver who accumulates 12 or more points within a two-year period faces license suspension. However, eligible drivers can get a two-point reduction by completing a “remedial driving instruction” course.

“Depending on the circumstances, a red light or stop sign violation could also lead to a reckless operation conviction. And a motorist who fails to stop at a red light or stop sign and causes the death of another person may face vehicular homicide charges.”

Newsweek reached out to Toledano for a comment.