During Powell’s interview on The Rush Limbaugh Show, an interviewer asked her whether she thought Republicans should vote in the state’s special election despite her belief that the state’s presidential elections were rigged to provide an outcome for Democratic President-elect Joe Biden.

“Well, my concern is that it’s not going to matter how the people vote in the Georgia race,” Powell said. “It obviously didn’t matter how they voted nationwide, did it?”

When the interviewer said that he wanted Republicans to vote in the upcoming special election “in incredible numbers” adding, “I want all eyes on this because we cannot hand the Senate to these people, Sydney.”

Powell then responded.

“Well yeah, I mean the situation we’re in now, I would suggest that everybody in Georgia turnout on Election Day, and do it again: Vote for the Republican candidates in mass numbers and see what happens,” Powell said, adding, “And it might be that they’ve even rigged the system so that the two Republicans win so they can say, ‘Oh see? There’s no problem.’”

Republicans and Democrats alike are closely watching the special Senate race because it will determine party control of the U.S. Senate. The two races are between Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jon Ossoff against Republican incumbent Senator David Purdue and a race between Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock and Republican incumbent Senator Kelly Loeffler.

Trump, his re-election campaign surrogates and his supporters have all criticized Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and the state’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp for declaring that Biden fairly won the state, thus contradicting Trump and his supporters’ claims of widespread voter fraud.

While serving as an attorney for Trump’s re-election campaign, Powell claimed in a November 19 press conference, that “massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba and likely China” had compelled Republican and Democratic lawmakers to rig the election.

The rigging, according to Powell, occurred by various Democratic and Republican candidates paying foreign governments to alter voting machines to switch Trump votes into Biden votes and to switch enough other votes to help other individual candidates to win their election races.

“We have no idea how many Republican or Democratic candidates in any state across the country, paid to have the system rigged to work for them,” Powell said. Powell didn’t present any evidence to back up her claims.

On November 21, Powell appeared on the right-wing conservative network Newsmax, claiming she had evidence that 7 million votes were fraudulently cast for Biden’s benefit. She also accused Kemp and Raffensperger of accepting bribes to participate in the alleged vote-switching scheme.

By November 22, Trump’s re-election campaign said that Powell no longer had a formal role as a campaign attorney.

Powell’s claim of Kemp and Raffensperger’s corruption have potentially undermined Republicans’ chances in Georgia’s runoffs as some Republicans wish to “punish” the local Republican party who helped validate Biden’s victory. Others simply distrust the electoral process since Trump and his supporters claim it’s been broken by massive fraud.

Newsweek contacted the Powell’s office for comment.