Powell, who previously promised “I’m going to release the Kraken” in reference to lawsuits which would expose how Trump was allegedly cheated out of the election victory, released two documents which have been eagerly awaited by supporters of the president, as well as conspiracy theorists and QAnon followers.

“The #Kraken was just released on Georgia,” Powell wrote while tweeting a link to her website before also promising to “ReleaseTheKraken in Michigan.”

The 104-page suit detailing allegations of fraud in Georgia and the 75-page document focusing on Michigan both contain a series of typos, including spelling “district” incorrectly twice in the Georgia suit’s opening line. In the Michigan lawsuit, the court name is also misspelled in the top line to read “Eastern Distrct of Michigan.”

The documents misspell the name of William Briggs, one of Powell’s key expert witnesses, incorrectly, referring to him as “Williams Briggs” and “William Higgs.”

The Michigan document contains a number of pages where entire sentences do not have any spaces between the words, so read as: “A challenger may be designated to serve in more than 1 precinct. The politicalparty[orinterestedorganization]shallindicatewhichprecinctsthe challenger will serve when designating challengers under subsection.”

Bradley P. Moss, a prominent lawyer who covers national security, said: “Rarely does a lawyer need to make their lawsuit 100 pages long. Maybe if you’re literally taking down a multinational corporation with 25 separate counts.”

He added: “You don’t forget to run spell check. You don’t make wild accusations. I mean, seriously, this is not what professionals do. This is the stuff that gets the judge to throw the book at you. It gets the bar association to inquire into your conduct.”

Former federal prosecutor and legal analyst Renato Mariotti said: “Sidney Powell’s ‘kraken’ complaint is more like a baby shrimp. It isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. But she has misled millions of people into believing that it will change the outcome of the election. Spoiler alert: It won’t.”

British solicitor Nazir Afzal tweeted: “You don’t have to read 104 page ‘kraken’ submissions by Powell, here is a good summary: Conspiracy theories & spelling mistakes litter them. How she was once a federal prosecutor beggars belief. It should only be about the evidence & none of this overwhelms or stands up to scrutiny.”

Among the allegations made in the filing is that voting software companies Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic were used to rig the 2020 U.S. election. These systems were purportedly used to “ensure computerized ballot-stuffing and vote manipulation to whatever level was needed to make certain Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez never lost another election.”

This claim is made based on a statement from one unnamed whistleblower claiming to be a Venezuelan military official.

Other social media users including political reporters also highlighted errors and other examples of misinformation in the files, pointing out the voting systems allegedly used in Venezuela were not used in the state of Michigan.

The documents also claim, without offering any evidence, that the Dominion software was accessed by agents “acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections” including the U.S. election.

— Ed Greenberger (@EdGreenberger) November 26, 2020

— kpoulsen (@kpoulsen) November 26, 2020

Another claim comes from Colorado resident Joe Oltmann, who alleged as a reporter he infiltrated antifa and was able to record former Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security Eric Coomer stating: “Don’t worry. Trump won’t win the election, we fixed that.”

The documents also alleged that in Fulton County, Georgia, after the vote had closed election workers “falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close.”

— Will Sommer (@willsommer) November 26, 2020

Powell claims that all poll workers and challengers were evacuated for hours at about 10:00 p.m. but several election workers “remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers” until around 1 a.m.

The Georgia Secretary of State’s office confirmed they are investigating the leak at State Farm Arena, although Powell appears to have her timings wrong as the leak was reported at 6:07 a.m. and was fixed within two hours, according to officials.

“No ballots were damaged, nor was any equipment affected. There was a brief delay in tabulating absentee ballots while the repairs were being conducted,” State Farm Arena said in a statement.

Powell has been contacted for comment.