Senate Democrats speculate that the White House sees Nunn as a likely presidential candidate in ‘92 who’s not to be trusted because of his vote on the gulf. But it’s not the first time the administration has snubbed the Georgia senator. Last November Nunn wasn’t told about the U.S. troop build-up in the gulf until an hour before it was made public.

In other gulf developments, “Newsweek’ has learned that Saddam Hussein’s terrorist training camps were not targets of the Air Force’s first bombing raids against Iraq. The reason: U.S. intelligence monitoring showed that the camps, where Saddam had been training more than 100 guerrillas, were mostly deserted. “They graduated a lot of students before the war,” says a U.S. intelligence source. U.S. counterterrorism officials have alerted U.S. and allied interests around the world to prepare for terrorist attacks by Saddam’s camp graduates.